Think like a MONK- Jay Shetty 

Chapter 1 part 4: Intentions 

what drives us to keep going
Fear, desire, duty and love.
• when we try to achieve something cuz of fear, we will surely start acting but out actions will be narrowed focussing just on solving the issue causing fear. 
• The problem with fear is that it’s not sustainable. When we operate in fear for a long time, we can’t work to the best of our abilities. We are too worried about getting the wrong result. We become frantic or paralyzed and are unable to evaluate our situations objectively or to take risks.
• The problem with action based on desire is it doesn't last long. We may feel once I get a car I will be happy but, when we get that we carve for next thing and start chasing it.
• Success doesn’t guarantee happiness, and happiness doesn’t require success.
• Happiness is feeling good about yourself, having close relationships, making the world a better place.
• actions performed with love and duty focused gives real happiness. When u start doing things knowing our purpose in it gives us the importance, our duty, and meaning. Purpose and clear meaning gives satisfaction which in turn gives happiness.
• No external labels or accomplishments can give me true condence. I have to find it in myself

✓ 🔴Takeways:- fear, desire, duty and love are responsible for all intentions.
Action with fear to protect something make us limited, 
Action with desire is never ending loop ,
Action with duty and love brings happiness irrespective of outcomes.


References:- Think like a monk book by Jay Shetty.
tags: #success #successmindset #thinking #happiness #inspiration #jayshetty #values #gratitude #bookreview #booksummary
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