Whenever you try to put yourself/ express out in the public, have you come across various thoughts in your mind like
Why would anyone want to listen/look at my work,
Am I qualified and experienced enough to speak about this thing,
What if my classmates/colleagues figure out what I am doing and start chatting about it,
What will my parents/sisters/brothers think about me, when they figure out what I am up to, Am I doing something unconventional etc.,
then probably this is because of Imposter phenomenon.
This phenomenon is not a medical problem, but a pattern of stories which we narrate in our head, which could lead to self-doubt, negative self-talk and missed opportunities.
Recognizing it and overcoming can stop you getting it in your way.
3 simple ways to overcome it.
👉 What's obvious to you, may be amazing to others.
While writing this post I thought, there's nothing special that I am writing down here. It's all in the Internet, so people will figure it out if they wanted. Why would anyone be interested in what an amateur writes.
This kind of attitude has got a lot to do with "Curse of knowledge".
Once you become expert at / realize something, it seems so obvious and simple to us, we feel everyone will be able to figure it out on their own.
If we take ourselves back in time when we were completely unaware of something, we were able to learn it because someone had the patient and interest to post it online.
Had the person thought it's so obvious and kept quiet, we wouldn't have learnt it.
So we have to remind ourselves every time we have self-doubt, what obvious to us, can be amazing and helpful to others who haven't discovered it yet.
👉 Appreciate the spotlight effect.
This is the phenomenon where people tend to overestimate how others notice, aspects of one's appearance and behavior.
While expressing out in public we feel everyone is watching and judging us, but in the paper "Journal of personality and social psychology" published by Tom Gilovich, day shows that only 25% of the people around notice us, while other 75% of people are busy in caring and worrying about themselves.
Even among the 25%, most of the them ignore and forget us after a while. Thus we are hardly left with 10% of people, which includes some people who genuinely care about us and the rest who try to pull us down.
So it makes absolutely no sense in working hard to cater the expectations of people around us.
👉 Reframe expertise, Don't try to be Guru, be a guide.
You need not be the one who comes down the hill after years of meditation and starts preaching to enlighten everyone.
Just show your work and let people decide whether to accept/reject/ in most of the cases ignore