Atomic habits is a New York's best selling book written by 'James Clear'.

The book explains in detail why habits are important and also explain ways how one can build a good habit and break a bad habit.

Some of the thoughts from the book which I found to be useful:

✔ Real change comes from the compound effect. Every small decision or choice we made gets accumulated over time to produce remarkable results.

✔ To achieve one goals we need to first build systems made of single process and habits that will take us to our goals.

✔ It takes time to build a good habit / break a bad habit, that's why most people quit.

In the early stage of 21st century we want everything to be rewarded instantly, but reality is good things takes time. So stories we tell to ourselves in our mind matters the most.

After all we are what we repeatedly define ourselves in our brain.

✔ Goals are good for setting the direction and orientation but process and system are crucial as they help in achieving our goal .

✔ Getting used to process is more important cuz once we start enjoying the process we won't wait for the end result to appear.

This will lead to living a happy life both in short term and long term.

✔ You do not rise to the levels of your goals , you fall to the level of your system.

✔ Track your habits regularly when the evidence is right in front of you, you are less likely to procrastinate.

✔ The first mistake is never the one which ruins you. Its is the spiral of repeated mistakes that follows.

Missing once is mistake, missing twice is start of a new habit.

Don't break the chain. Try to keep your habits streak alive.

✔ Habits are easier to perform and more likely to stick with, when they stick with your natural inclination and abilities.